The Islamic Center of Anaheim
Lesson in English on Fridays starting at 1:15 Pm every Friday Friday Prayers and Sermon held starting at 1:30 every Friday Arabic Classes for beginners and advanced on Wednesdays starting at 5:30 pm Quran Lessons Monday, Wednesday and Friday starting at 7:30 Pm General lesson on Saturdays after Maghrib prayers…
Celebrate Ramadan at our center with nightly food for Iftaar and nightly prayers
The Zakah of Fitr is due on every Muslim who is alive part of Ramadan and part of Shawwal (the month after Ramadan.) According to Imam ash-Shafi^iyy, the due Zakah for each is a “sa^” or four “mudds” (the fill of a pair of average-sized hands cupped together) of the most common staple food of one’s area. However, according to Imam Abu Hanifah, the due Zakah is…
As Ishmael grew, Prophet Abraham saw in him intelligence and the readiness to obey God. Abraham was hopeful that he would see a lot of goodness from his son– that is, that Ishmael would obey and worship God. Before Isaac’s birth, with Ishmael in this good state God subjected Prophet…
Learn about the celebration of the Mawlid and upcoming events on our Facebook Page